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Below you'll find a list of some of the most common category and genre hashtags.

Please note - this list may still be non-exhaustive. If you do not see your genre here, please email and we'll help you figure out a hashtag to use for your pitch(es).


#A = Adult                                   #CB = Chapter Book

#YA = Young Adult                     #PB = Picture Book

#MG = Middle Grade                #GN = Graphic Novel


#CON = Contemporary
#CR = Contemporary Romance

#DS = Domestic Suspense

#DT = Domestic Thriller
#E = Erotica
#F = Fantasy

#HF = High Fantasy
#HSF = Historical Fiction
#HR = Historical Romance

#H = Horror
#LF = Literary Fiction

#M = Mystery

#MEM = Memoir


#MR = Magical Realism

#NF = Non-fiction

#P = Paranormal
#PR = Paranormal Romance
#R = Romance

#RC = Romantic Comedy
#RS = Romantic Suspense
#SF = Science Fiction
#SPF = Speculative Fiction
#S = Suspense
#T = Thriller

#UF = Urban Fantasy
#WF = Women’s Fiction

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